My fascination with overload
Written on 9:49 PM by DRV
"How do you do it?"
I've been asked that question ever since I first got involved with extracurricular activities. I think my fascination with being busy should finally be addressed. Does that mean people will understand where I'm getting at? Well, let's hope so. But here we are.
In high school, I just didn't like being home. When all you have at home is a GameCube, a TV with basic basic cable, and a computer that has dialup internet access, that's the last place you want to stay. So I got involved with football my first half of high school, and then I discovered Mabuhay. Two people worked hard at recruiting me -- Austin and Sherilyn. Well, I hope you're happy. I helped turn the organization into the most active cultural club in the East Side Union High District.
But that's besides the point. Aside from Mabuhay, I took almost all AP classes while also being a very active member of the Class of 2007. I'm a spirited person. I'm also especially competitive when it comes to getting something I want. With practices for Powderpuff Cheerleading, Airband, the 12 Days of X-Mas skits, very rarely did I have a day that was all to myself. I mean, when I'm at home, I'm playing video games that require me to review them. While you think it ruins the fun of the gameplay, I'd beg to differ. I love writing.
But yeah, that's high school. I'm in college now. Why am I taking a full load of 18 units, have two jobs, and take over one of the vacant Community Affairs Chairs (one of the especially difficult positions) in Akbayan?
The 18 Units
You guys can thank Camille. In the fall semester, I failed a MATH 8 course and I put myself through academic renewal? I was telling ate that I just wanted to take some other math. And she was like, "No, just get red of it now." So I took her advice, and it was the best advice ever. My GPA raised by a full point the semester in which I first took 18. And yes, that was with PCN on my belt.
I take 18 units a semester because this is what we're paying for. Sorry, but those of you who are taking 12 units must have a lack of confidence. That costs the same as people who are taking 18. If you're going to pay so much for college, you really might as well milk the school for all that you can get.
The Two Jobs
I need money. But besides, this is only one job--technically. Spartan Shops only holds customers temporarily, so it wouldn't surprise me if I was let go tomorrow. H&M will be my first mall job though. It's really exciting, but at the same time, I'm pretty skeptical because a lot of people (especially people I know) have been quitting their jobs due to changes in management. But yeah. I need money. A new phone and a Zune would be nice... some Wii remotes. But yeah, the money is mostly for leisure recreation. I hate owing people money. This would lessen that pain.
So basically, I just can't handle not being busy. Time moves slower, and nothing is enjoyable when you have too much free time. I mean come on... I failed a class in the fall because I wasn't busy.