Written on 1:30 AM by DRV
Another extremely addictive Fire Emblem game has been released, but this time, it's a remake of the original game--something we didn't get here in North America. Much to the pleasure of others, the game stars Prince Marth (of Super Smash Bros. fame) as he attempts to save his sister and his kingdom.
You can read my review here.
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Gamer 2.0,
Handheld Review
Written on 11:23 PM by DRV
Free-Verse by Danreb Reyes Victorio
Envisioning myself in a world where my brothers are not,
While they lie on the ground motionless where leaders are commanding...
Commanding them to keep fighting as bullets hit them from behind.
Falling and falling down in Bataan and Manila Bay
With no fun during every hour of the day
With absolutely no sense or say
And definitely nowhere to stay.
But at what cost?
They were in enough of a bind.
A bind so tight that they stood along with their brothers white,
Looking for no exit.
For once, they were one,
Fighting the good fight,
Knowing one day...
Maybe one day they would be looked at under the same light...
As our founding fathers who made our nation so true.
But I awaken.
Finding out that we are in a world, a new
World that took away everything they owned.
They wouldn't even throw them a mother ****in bone.
Even our fears over the years,
The bloodshed and tears
Were planned on being forgotten.
But that wouldn't happen. Not on the watch of the young.
The same people, screaming from the top of a bad lung,
Sixty years, we waited for change.
It took that long for the higher-ups to pay them back in a range
That didn't even equal minimum wage.
Sixty years, we waited for change.
The lolos kept dying, we waited so long.
We waited so long, time became more important than money.
Yes, money was scarce. No bank held a sack,
But we elected a new leader, whose skin was black.
Sixty years we waited for change.
And as our President said, it's finally here.
Right before us lies a new stimulus bill.
Being ready to go through Capital Hill.
The time has finally come
To pay our loved ones one by one.
To find that our goal has finally been reached.
The confidence is back with no sense of breach.
All we want now is recognition.
But this is my premonition.
The visions that appear on one and another.
One eye sees closure.
The other eye sees an opening.
One eye closed.
The other open.
Open to recognition.
Open to recognizing the ones who fought and died.
The ones who did not rot and did not hide.
The ones who stayed silent as their kids did the talking.
The same talking that the government didn't even find shocking.
Here on the stage were my colleague spoke something he wrote
About his grandfather of whom he never spoke
With the people of our small community who finally cared to wonder...
And that ISANG BAKSAK unleashing our curious thunder.
While my piece was nothing great, the recent news about the World War II Philippine Veterans finally receiving their benefits (provided Obama signs the bill) that were taken away from them during Truman's term hit a soft spot for me. It's been a while since I've wrote any form of poetry. The last meaningful poem I wrote was for the girl I've always loved but let go and before that the last poem I wrote was in dedication to the accomplishments of the great Cesar Chavez--yes, even though it was Phillip vera Cruz who first approached him about a union.
It took sixty years for it to happen. It took the falling of our economy for it to happen. It took a black President for it to happen.
But at least it did happen.
All we need now is to recognized what they did. So please, to all of you reading this who have no idea who who you are. Embrace your surroundings. Remain proud of where you came from. Accept where you are.
When I first learned about how this whole ordeal happened, I was indifferent. But when it was finally time to talk to an actual, real-life veteran, it truly opened my eyes to see how patient and humble these elderly men were. There I was, in an impatient mood, wondering what cultural dance I'd learn next... while there was a pleasant old man in front of me wearing his Veteran's cap and the purple hearts he had tucked in front of his pocket. To think that the benefits he had were taken away. To think that he wasn't even going to be recognized for his accomplishments as a guerilla fighter under the U.S. flag. If I were in his shoes, I would be disgusted... but he wasn't.
Even if you're not Filipino, we've been given a chance to change the world. Look at the sense of community around you. Even with how strong it is, we have to make it stronger. That all begins with you. The people. The meat of the community. Stay in tune with what makes you you. Because if you know your history, you know yourself.
The worst part is forgetting.
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Written on 2:02 PM by DRV
I wrote a couple handheld reviews, and they have just now been published at Gamer 2.0. Check them out when you get a chance.
PSP Review - Star Ocean: Second Departure (8.2)
DS Review - Big Bang Mini (9.3)
Both games were released in late January and have received favorable scores from me. I've never given a 9.3 in a couple years, so Big Bang Mini is definitely worth some big bang for your $20. Buy it as soon as you can afford it.
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Gamer 2.0,
Handheld Review,
Written on 2:13 PM by DRV
Hey guys, when you have the time, you should come by some of the Community events I'm helping Akbayan organize and plan out. February is a month with two small-time, yet awesome events, so come check them out!

First, we've got the Know Your Rights Workshop led by Marlo Custodio. Marlo is a buddy of mine who graduated locally from Evergreen Valley High School in 2007. He's currently attending De Anza College and is a very active member in other non-profit Fil-Am organizations such as the Filipino Youth Coalition and FOCUS. Marlo is also one of the heads of the Justice for Custodios group, which is dedicated to fighting the issue of mindless police brutality due to an issue that occurred to him and his family in 2007.
It'll take place immediately after the General Meeting, so I suggest Akbayan members going to that meeting stay for the workshop. He's a very passionate speaker, so I'm sure everyone attending will be enlightened.

Next week, Akbayan is also hosting its annual Poker Tournament, where the profits made go directly to a good cause! Bring your money and poker face, because this is going to be quite an event.
There will be light refreshments served, but it is advised that you bring your own snacks to share.
If anybody has any additional questions about the events, you can contact me or Angelica Cortez.
- Danreb
An Akbayan Chair of Community and Political Affairs
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Written on 1:17 PM by DRV
Sorry for the lack of updates. But as anyone can tell, I've been more active with the blog as of late. If you didn't notice, this is a brand new layout. While I didn't make it, I just found it kind of cool. It's also easier to navigate than it was before. Yeah, there's ads now, but hey--it's not like we're not all trying to make a little extra money on the side.
I haven't been doing much as of late because I have a pretty bad cough. I've been OD'ing on Robitussin, DayQuil, and NyQuil, but nothing seems to be working. Hopefully I can get passed this cough soon though.
I've just been catching up on old-school gaming... if you can call it that. I've been playing Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES and the original God of War on the PlayStation 2, because I've never gotten around to them. I've also been pretty addicted to Big Bang Mini on the DS (which I should have a review up on Gamer 2.0 within the week).
Starting today, I'll be working four straight 4-hour closing shifts at H&M. Seems like a drag, but money is money.
Anyway, to the real reason this blog was posted. Check this video out; it's the trailer for the new Street Fighter movie. It's starring Kristin Kreuk (from Smallville fame) as Chun-Li. I know she's been in a FEW action scenes in Smallville (I stopped watching), but it's a little alarming to see her taking the role of Chun-Li.
Whatever, I might watch it anyway. Why? Duh. Who doesn't love Kristin Kreuk? I personally hope they have as much fan service as possible. 8-)
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Kristin Kreuk,
Street Fighter
Written on 3:41 PM by DRV
Over the passed week, I've gotten really involved with Bleacher Report.
For those of you who don't know what Bleacher Report is, it's a website for sports fans to write articles and columns for just about any sport imaginable. It's managed by actual sports writers, and it allows you to be interactive with others who have similar sports-related interests.
It's good if you want to get a jump-start on a columnist career or something.
Here are a couple that have been recently published.
Packers Off-Season Shuffle
An Article about what the Packers have done and should be doing to prepare for their new 3-4 defense.
Favre Needs to Atone For His Sins
A Brett Favre piece.
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